
Úr Ásta
(Munur milli útgáfa)
Stökkva á: flakk, leita
(34 millibreytingar ekki sýndar frá notanda.)
Lína 12: Lína 12:
* [http://thepowerofopen.org/assets/pdfs/tpoo_eng.pdf The Power of Open]
* [http://thepowerofopen.org/assets/pdfs/tpoo_eng.pdf The Power of Open]
* [http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/handle/10609/4968 OERopoly : A Game to Generate Collective Intelligence around OER]
* [http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/handle/10609/4968 OERopoly : A Game to Generate Collective Intelligence around OER]
* [https://s3.amazonaws.com/infographics/OpenCourseWare.png Open courseware infographics]
* [https://openeducationalresources.pbworks.com/w/page/24836480/Home  OER infokit - útskýring á OER]
* [http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/science/internet-revolutionizing-education.jpg Infographic: How the Internet is Revolutionizing Education]
* [http://paper.li/aisantos/1327153679 Open Content online daily]
* [http://ukwebfocus.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/guest-post-being-openly-selfish-and-making-oer-work-for-you/ UK WEb Focus Guest Post: Being Openly Selfish and Making “OER” Work for You, 2 . apríl 2012]
* [http://www.downes.ca/me/mybooks.htm Bækur eftir Stephen Downes free learning, Access:future, ]
== Opið námsefni, opin námskeið o.fl. ==
* http://www.oercommons.org/
* http://www.wikieducator.org/
* http://en.wikiversity.org/
* http://en.wikibooks.org/
* [http://collegeopentextbooks.org/  Collegeopentextbooks]
* [http://collegeopentextbooks.ning.com/ College Open Textbooks Community]
* [http://www.k12opened.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page K12 Open Ed]
* [http://cnx.org/ Connexions]
* [http://ocw.mit.edu/index.html MIT OpenCourseWare]
* [http://cosl.usu.edu/projects/educommons EduCommons]
* http://www.ck12.org/flexbook/  cK-12 customizable, free, curriculum-aligned content for K-12
* [http://www.curriki.org Curriki]
* [http://www.edutopia.org/blog/building-your-own-textbook-audrey-watters Building your own textbook]
*  [http://www.edutopia.org/blog/open-education-writing-curricula-todd-finley Tour of High-Quality Open Education Resources (OER) for Writing]
* [[http://wikieducator.org/Open_content_licensing_for_educators/Workshop_schedule  Námskeið um opin höfundarleyfi fyrir kennara]]
* [https://p2pu.org/en/courses/620/creative-commons-for-k-12-educators/ Creative Commons for K-12 Educators]
== Annað ==
* [http://open4us.org/find-oer/ Find OER]
* http://oeruniversity.org/
* [http://cloudworks.ac.uk/cloud/view/5946 OpenOpen Open University and Open Educational Resources: sharing research and practice) (erindi)]
* [http://oercongress.weebly.com/paris-declaration.html Yfirlýs. fyrir World OER ráðstefnu í parís 2012]
* [http://www.aliprandi.org/cc-user-guide/html/index.html Creative Commons : a user guide]
* [http://www.aliprandi.org/cc-user-guide/html/index.html Creative Commons : a user guide]
* [Barcelona Open Ed 2010. Conference proceedings book http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/bitstream/10609/5301/7/open-ed-2010-proceedings-book.pdf]
* [http://openaccess.uoc.edu/webapps/o2/bitstream/10609/5301/7/open-ed-2010-proceedings-book.pdf Barcelona Open Ed 2010. Conference proceedings book ]
* [http://educacaoaberta.org/rea/eventos/symposium Proceedings of the Symposium 2011  are now available for download]
* [http://educacaoaberta.org/rea/eventos/symposium Proceedings of the Symposium 2011  are now available for download]
* [http://campus.ftacademy.org/wiki/index.php/Master-Curriculum Alþjóðlegt meistaranám í frjálsri tækni (tillaga)]
* [http://campus.ftacademy.org/wiki/index.php/Master-Curriculum Alþjóðlegt meistaranám í frjálsri tækni (tillaga)]
* [http://www.scoop.it/t/moodle-courses Moodle námskeið og OER]
* [http://www.icde.org/en/ International Council for Open and Distance Education]
* [http://iite.unesco.org/  UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education]
** [http://iite.unesco.org/publications/themes/oer/ UNESCO OER]
* [http://wiki.oercommons.org/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page OER Commons]
* http://www.ncose.org/ NCOSE a National Center in northern New England  (um opinn hugbún. í skólum)
* http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/index_en.htm European Commission Information Society
** [http://www.elearningpapers.eu/en/article/AVATAR-%E2%80%93-The-Course%3A-Recommendations-for-Using-3D-Virtual-Environments-for-Teaching AVATAR – The Course: Recommendations for Using 3D Virtual Environments for Teaching]
**  [http://www.elearningpapers.eu/en/download/file/fid/22240 Ulf-Daniel Ehlers,From Open Educational Resources to Open Educational Practices, elearningeuropa.info 10. mars 2011]
** [http://www.elearningpapers.eu/en/download/file/fid/22236 Andy Lane, Kees-Jan van Dorp,Diffusion and adoption of OER,  elearningeuropa.info 10. mars 2011]
** [http://www.elearningpapers.eu/en/download/file/fid/22246 Patrick McAndrew,Fostering Open Educational Practices,elearningeuropa.info 10. mars 2011]
** [http://www.elearningpapers.eu/en/download/file/fid/22248 J. Vladimir Burgos-Aguilar, Fernando J. Mortera-Gutierrez, Formation of Communities of Practice to Promote Openness in Education,elearningeuropa.info 30 September 2008]
** [http://www.elearningpapers.eu/en/download/file/fid/19402 Seth Gurell, Applying Software Development Paradigms to Open Educational Resources, elearningeuropa.info 30 September 2008]
* [http://www.bgsu.edu/cconline/open/index.html Charles Lowe, Considerations for Creative Commons Licensing of Open Educational Resources: The Value of Copyleft, September 2010]
* [http://www2.le.ac.uk/departments/beyond-distance-research-alliance/projects/otter Otter (verkefni í háskólanum í Leichester]
* [http://www.learningregistry.org/ The Learning Registry] is a joint effort of the Department of Education and the Department of Defense, with support of the White House and numerous federal agencies, non-profit organizations, international organizations and private companies.
* [http://www.col.org/PublicationDocuments/Guidelines_OER_HE.pdf Commonwealth of Learning and UNESCO. (2011). Guidelines for open educational resources (OER) in higher education. Vancouver: COL, UNESCO.]
* [http://www.col.org/PublicationDocuments/Basic-Guide-To-OER.pdf Kanwar, A., Uvalić-Trumbić, S. og Butcher, N. (Ritstj.). (2011). A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER). Vancouver: COL, UNESCO]
* [http://atburdir.menntagatt.is/opidmenntaefni2011/ Ráðstefna um opið menntaefni 21.nóv. 2011 - vefur]
* [http://elearningeuropa.info/en/paper/open-education-changing-educational-practices Open Education: Changing Educational Practices (eLearning Papers nº 23)]
*[http://openedconference.org/2011/ Ráðstefna um opið menntaefni haldin í Park City í Utah 25-27 október 2011]
** [http://www.youtube.com/openedconference Hér eru 72 vídeóupptökur frá ráðstefnunni á youtube]
* Kop, R. (2011). The challenges to connectivist learning on open online networks: Learning experiences during a massive open online course. The International Review Of Research In Open And Distance Learning, 12(3), 19-38. Sótt May 10 2011 af http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/882
* Kanwar, A., Uvalić-Trumbić, S. og Butcher, N. (Ritstj.). (2011). A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER). Vancouver: COL, UNESCO. http://www.col.org/PublicationDocuments/Basic-Guide-To-OER.pdf
* [https://p2pu.org/en/schools/school-of-open/ Learn open practices at School of Open.]
* https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/ Open Knowledge Repository hjá The World Bank
* http://openeducation2013.sched.org/  Open Education ráðstefna 6-8 nóv 2013, allir fyrirlestrar eru aðgengilegir á neti.
== Journals ==
* [http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl International Review of Research in  Open and Distance Learning]
* [http://www.elearningpapers.eu/en/download/file/fid/24527 Sérhefti 2012 frá elearningopapers Opening Learning Horizons] (pdf skjal)
* http://www.jorum.ac.uk/  Jorum is the place where you will find free open educational resources produced by the UK Further and Higher Education community.
* [http://chronicle.com/blogs/wiredcampus/open-textbooks-could-help-students-financially-and-academically-researchers-say/49839 Open Textbooks Could Help Students Financially and Academically]

Núverandi breyting frá og með 11. febrúar 2015 kl. 06:19




Opið námsefni, opin námskeið o.fl.



  • http://www.jorum.ac.uk/ Jorum is the place where you will find free open educational resources produced by the UK Further and Higher Education community.

